✅Binance Founder CZ to Launch Non-Profit Education Project✅
CZ may no longer be at the helm of Binance, but the leading crypto entrepreneur is certainly not leaving the industry. In fact, he is out with a brand-new non-profit education initiative for children!
🟢His new project, called Giggle Academy will offer free education content from grades one to 12. According to a concept paper, Giggle Academy aims to “make basic education accessible, addictive and adaptive, to the kids who don’t have access to them today, all around the world, for free.”
The project will teach core subjects, including language, Maths and Biology, as well as topics on finance, sales, blockchain, entrepreneurship, and AI, which are not being taught in schools.
Talk about a beautiful idea and dedication to a crypto-educated generation! Go, Zhao, you sure have DISCIPLINA’s support! disciplina.io🎉