🔺DSCPL LP-reward program: current results🔺

1 min readJul 23, 2021

👋 Dear community,

On Monday, July 19 we started our first epoch of LP-reward program.

Its been almost a week since the official start of the first epoch and today we are glad to share with you first insights on the program performance.

🔥 Right now, taking into account the current number of participants, size of the staked liquidity pool and reward fund, those users who participate from the beginning of the program are getting an amazing 370% annual reward or 14% reward per epoch.

All users would get an additional 0,17% reward of all trades that come from Pancakeswap for allocating their assets to the liquidity pool🤝

The longer the user participates in the epoch, the higher reward he would get. Don’t miss the chance to join the current epoch now and to participate in the next ones from the very beginning.

Useful links:

🔶Get LP tokens on Pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/add/0xdECE0F6864c1511369ae2c30B90Db9f5fe92832c/0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955

🔶Stake them to become participant of the program: https://farming.disciplina.io/

🔶Detailed tutorial: https://dscpl.medium.com/this-tutorial-explains-how-to-participate-in-the-dscpl-lp-farming-program-with-the-usdt-reward-fund-94cd1a7a7ad3




Written by Mr. DISCIPLINA

DISCIPLINA — the first blockchain to create verified personal profiles based on academic and professional achievements.

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