📢News of the Week
Behind on news? DISCIPLINA got you!
🌟Monday Motivation
“The most effective way to do is to do it”, Amelia Earhart #MondayMotivation
🌟Crypto Education for Developers
Casper Association, a scalable blockchain network, has launched a $25M grant to support the developers working on its blockchain. Not just that, however! They additionally said they would provide education, as the fund is intended to support learning, development, and innovations in Infrastructure.
🌟Crypto Literacy & Interest in the Blockchain Officially on the Rise in the US!
CryptoLiteracy.org has unveiled the results of its second annual Crypto Literacy Survey in the US, and it is looking good! Crypto literacy, crypto ownership, interest in crypto & diversity of crypto investments – all UP since last year! Mass crypto adoption is not far for sure!