📢News of the Week
Behind on news? We got you!
🌌Monday Motivation
Researchers have discovered that your motivation is rooted in lots of factors, many of which you have control over! Setting clear goals, taking responsibility for your studies, adopting a growth mindset, reaffirming your personal values and picturing your future self!
🌌Pomodoro Time Management Technique
The idea behind the method is that the timer instils a sense of urgency. You are hence pushed to get as much done as you can in 25 minutes AND get a break to follow, which tackles the typical “burn out” feeling at the end of the work day!
🌌List of Official Token Addresses
🟢DISCIPLINA ERC20 (ETH) — DSCPL https://etherscan.io/token/0xdece0f6864c1511369ae2c30b90db9f5fe92832c
🟢DISCIPLINA BEP20 (BSC) — DSCPL https://bscscan.com/token/0xdECE0F6864c1511369ae2c30B90Db9f5fe92832c
🟢DISCIPLINA Classic ERC20 (ETH) — DSCP https://etherscan.io/token/0x03e3f0c25965f13dbbc58246738c183e27b26a56
🌌Why did Michael Saylor Create an Education Website?
Even the big guys understand that education is KEY to making it on the crypto arena! Not only is it good for individual users, but also for the industry as a whole.