2 min readJul 2, 2021

📣This week we talked about our main achievements of June, boasted of the impressive growth of our community, spoke about the public layer of our blockchain, and summed up the AMA session, now briefly about the main.

📍Public layers

The public layer allows into open access the data that verifies the integrity of the private chains and the reliability of the data stored by the network. Witnesses are members of the public layer, they don`t have access to the data itself, only to the hashes of the data. They check the validity of the segments within the private blockchains of the educational institutions.

📍Recruiters and employers either don't have access to data, but they can acquire it.

The student can wholly or partially deny access to his data to maintain the privacy of his data.

📍Community growth

This month our community grew by 4703 new users!
We are so happy you find our platform so interesting; such community expansion confirms the relevance and usefulness of our platform for education and recruiting.

📍АМА session

Over 100 active users took part in the AMA session! It lasted an hour and a half.

We discussed the following questions on the AMA session:

– DSCPL LP-reward program
– announced a new lottery among holders
– discussed the soon launch of new applications on top of the DISCIPLINA Blockchain
– announced the development of a mobile app DISCIPLINA

DSCPL-USDT rate boost 50% after the AMA session!

🚩Sum up June

📍DISCIPLINA TEAM locks their tokens

DISCIPLINA FOUNDATION placed DSCPL tokens on a particular timelock contract, which locks them. All DSCPL tokens of the project founders, team, and tokens that form the project’s future development funds are locked.

📍LP-reward program

We have developed an LP-reward program, and all DSCPL holders can take part in it. DISCIPLINA Foundation creates a separate USDT fund for distributing dividends among the participants.

To take part in the program, you need to get LP tokens on Pancakeswap and stake them on a program smart contract. Each round takes 14 days. At the end of each round, dividends are distributed among all participants proportionally to their stakes and to the time spent in the program.

📍DSCPL listing on BHEX and xTheta exchanges

DSCPL token is now more available to users since it got on BHEX и xTheta

Links on the exchanges:

Join DISCIPLINA on social networks and follow the latest news on the project!


Written by Mr. DISCIPLINA

DISCIPLINA — the first blockchain to create verified personal profiles based on academic and professional achievements.

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