📢Weekly report
Let’s briefly recollect the main news of this week.
🔺Community statistics
Our community shows a stable growth path:
Telegram-chat: 13699
Telegram-channel: 36509
Facebook: 7399
Twitter: 4736
Instagram: 1698
Can I still join the LP programâť“
Yes, the program is now ongoing. Click the link if you want to participate:
A guide on how to participate, see ibid.
How to buy DSCPL tokens on Pancakeswapâť“
Here is a video guide on how to purchase DSCPL tokens on Pancakeswap: https://youtu.be/Huh7K3UeqHA
â•ď¸ŹThe address of smart contract: 0xdECE0F6864c1511369ae2c30B90Db9f5fe92832c
How much can I earn in the LP programâť“
The size of your reward depends on how long you participate in the program, the total number of participants and tokens staked.
🔺The first epoch of the APYS/DSCPL LP program is over
The first epoch of our program with APYSwap is over, and we are glad to share the results and rewards.
đźš©Recall, the reward fund was 10 000 USDT, each participant can check out the size of the reward individually on the table below:
🔺Monthly report
We sum up our achievements in September and draw up a detailed report. It includes the summaries of the fourth epoch of the LP program, the main points of the AMA session, and other events in September.
đź”´Read the complete report on our Medium: https://dscpl.medium.com/monthly-report-d60071bd45ad
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